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Minggu, 16 Agustus 2015

An Analysis Ws Rendra poetry "Aku Tulis Pamflet ini"

An Analysis  Ws Rendra poetry "Aku Tulis Pamflet ini"

Abstract in English and Indonesia
Artikel ini di tulis untuk mendeskripsikan tentang bisunya lembaga aspirasi yang menampung suara rakyat pada tahun 1970-an . Obyek dari makalah ini adalah puisi dengan judul Aku tulis Pamlet ini karya WS Rendra. Tujuan utama dari pembuatan makalah ini adalah untuk mengetahui makna puisi “aku tulis pamflet ini” dari segi pendekatan psikologi dan sosiologi.  
WS Rendra dikenal sebagai sosok penyair yang terkenal. Karya-karyanya menawarkan sebuah keindahan, pemberontakan, dan keromantisan. Pemberontakan seorang Rendra dapat dilihat dari beberapa karyanya seperti sajak anak muda, sajak pertemuan mahasiswa & aku tulis pamflet ini. WS.Rendra menggambarkan bagaimana sulitnya masyarakat menyampaikan pendapat karena lembaga tersebut sudah di kuasai politik dan kekuasaan .  puisi tersebut diciptakan WS. Rendra sebagai bentuk protes kepada para penguasa. Sebagian besar isi puisi mengritik  kebijakan pemerintah , karena pada saat  itu WS. Rendra merasa pemerintah tidak adil.

Kata kunci : WS. Rendra , lembaga aspirasi , kritik

This article was written to describe the non-functioning of institutions that accommodate the aspirations of the people in the 1970s. The object of this paper is a poem with the title I wrote this Pamphlet (Aku tulis pamplet ini) by WS Rendra. The main purpose of the making of this paper is to determine the meaning of the poem "I wrote this pamphlet" in terms of psychological and sociological approach.
Rendra known as a famous poet. His works offer a beauty, rebellion, and romance. Rebellion of  Renda can be seen from some of his work as a rhyme of youth (sajak anak muda), rhyme student’s meeting (sajak pertemuan mahasiswa) and I wrote this pamphlet (aku tulis pamflet ini). WS.Rendra illustrates how difficult it within the community because the agency has been in control of politics and power. The poem was created WS. Renda as a form of protest to the authorities. Most of the content of the poem criticizing government policy, because at the time ,  WS. Renda feel the government is injustice.

Keywords: W.S Rendra, Aspirations intitutions, Critics
1.      Background of study
Willibrordus Rendra Surendra Broto (born in Solo, 7 November 1935) is a poet who is often dubbed as the "Peacock". He founded the Theatre Workshop in Yogyakarta in 1967 and Rendra Theatre Workshop in Depok. Since the college he was active in writing short stories and essays in various magazines. Renda is the son of R. Cyprian Sugeng Brotoatmodjo and Raden Ayu Ismadillah Catharina.
his father is a teacher of Indonesian and Javanese language in Catholic schools, Solo, in addition to the traditional performer, while her mother was a dancer serimpi in Surakarta. Renda childhood to adolescence was spent in his native city. He began his education from kindergarten (1942) to finish high school, high school (1952), in Catholic school, St. Joseph in the city of Solo. After graduating high school Renda went to Jakarta with the intention of attending the Academy of State. It turned out that the academy has been closed. Then he went to Yogyakarta and entered the Faculty of Letters, University of Gajah Mada. Although not complete college, does not mean he stopped learning. In 1954 he deepened his knowledge in the field of drama and dance in America, he received a scholarship from the American Academy of Art Dramatical (Aada). He also attended a seminar on literature at Harvard University at the invitation of the local government.
Rendra literary talent is starting to look when he was in junior high. At that time he has begun to show his ability to write poetry, short stories and plays for various school activities. Not just writing, it turns out he is also an expert on the stage. He staged several plays, and poetry is mainly performed as a highly talented readers. He once published a poem in the First Instance of mass media in 1952 through a magazine tactic. After that, his poetry was flowing smoothly graced numerous magazine at the time, like the story, Art, Basis, Confrontation, and the new tactic. It continues as seen in magazines over the next decade, especially magazines of the '60s and '70s. "False Leg" is his first drama, staged when he was in junior high, and "People on the Street Corner" is the first drama that got the award and first prize from the Office of the Ministry of Education and Culture, New York. At that time he was sitting in high school. The award was very excited to make it work. Prof. A. Teeuw, in his book Modern Literature Indonesia II (1989), argues that the history of modern Indonesian literature Renda did not belong to one class or group such as Force 45, Force 60's, or Force 70's. Of his works shows that he has his own personality and freedom.

At times of political unrest, including the rise to power of the New Order in 1966, the public performance of poetry has figured in street demonstrations, giving voice to political grievances and demands for change. Rendra himself once described how poems he wrote from New York in support of the attacks on Sukarno's regime in 1966 were recorded on tape and played at the mass student demonstrations that helped bring down the Sukarno government and install the military-backed New Order regime in its place.
Rendra was renowned for his skills as a dramatist and an actor, and it was his talents as a performer that gave him the ability to tap into the full potential of the Indonesian language as a rhetorical device, a way of using words that entertained, provoked and inspired an audience.
As his political conscience grew in the wake of his experiences overseas and his observations of injustice and corruption in 1970s Indonesia, Rendra turned that love of words into a tool for raising awareness, and - in his own words - 'bearing witness'. Generations of young Indonesians responded, finding in his poetry not experiments with thought and language that had to be contemplated in private, but immediately understood evocations of their own experience in new and surprising ways.
More than any other writer of his time or since, Rendra made his poetry the voice of political conscience, an integral part of the culture of opposition in Suharto's Indonesia.
Aku tulis pamflet ini” was written in 1978 by Rendra . he  went to Jail caused by this poetry on May 1978. The goverment was afraid  W.S Rendra can cause instability with the lyrics of his poetry but still relate to the political condition, social and economy at that time. 
Dick Hartoko (The leader of BASIS) , said that The lyrics of Rendra’s poetry too serious or strong. He said after Si Burung Merak showed in the sport Hall Kridosono, Jogjakarta, Desember 1978.
The Critics, if is  not intimidation , also come from apparatus. After showed in jogja, kolonel Sarwono (Danrem 072 Jogjakarta) said to Rendra, “ You read the poetry very good, but the poetry that you read is only deliver the  problem, what matters now is the solution.”
the poet was required more than just a clever launch a critique, but looking for a way out (solutions) to problems . It means subjugation through discourse to follow the logic of power.
On another occasion, he said outloud,' ' I reiterate that political aswell as economic problems was not a monopoly of issue of Kings and the ruling group just like the oneon a feudal society ... now all of a sudden when artists see lameness in development and harming commoners, and cannot speak, banned when it is spoken of in the arts.Whether an artist should only disclose psychiatric problems as well as the philosophy course? '' ' said Rendra (Horizon No. 11 1982)

2.      Discussion
a)      The definition of poetry
Dylan Thomas defined poetry this way: "Poetry is what makes me laugh or cry or yawn, what makes my toenails twinkle, what makes me want to do this or that or nothing."
In her interesting dialectical poem "Poetry," arranged in five stanzas like an essay, Marianne Moore declares first that she dislikes poetry, but it is really "all this fiddle" about poetry for which Moore has a distaste.  Poetry has a place "for the genuine" she declares in her thesis statement of the first stanza. (Marianne Moore)
"Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility." (Wordsworth)
 Aristoteles defined poetic is the earliest surviving work of dramatic theory and the first extant philosophical treatise to focus on literary theory.
Carol an duffy said A poem is the attire of feeling: the literary from where words seem tailor made from memory or desire
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, san fransisco chronicle. Poetry is a sofa full of blind singer who have put aside their cares. Poetry is the sound of summer in the rain of people laughing behind close shutters down a narrow street.
Robert pinsky Poetry … is an ancient art or technology; older than computer, older than print, older than writing indeed, though some may find this surprising much older than prose. I presume that the technology of poetry, using the human body as its medium, evolved for specific uses; to hold thing in memory, both within and beyond the individual life span; to achieve intensity and sensuous appeal; to express feelings and ideas rapidly and memorably; to share those feelings and ideas with companions, and also with the dead and with those to come after us.
Anne Rouse , Poetry is about the intensity at the centre of the life, and about intricacy of expression without any appreciation of those, people are condemned to simplistic emotion and crude expression.
Frieda Hughes, Poetry is the way of communicating a vast array of thoughts and feeling by concentrating them into minimal, or even single points which describe a whole.
Matthew Hollis, poetry society bulletin, spring 2004 Poetry is… a kind of leaving of notes for another to find the willingness to have them fall into the wrong hands.
Hugh Maxton,Poetry is a fire, well blanked-down that it may warm survivor in the even colder night to come.
Charles Baudelaire, by Gustave Courbet said that Prose poetry is a hybrid genre that shows attributes of both prose and poetry. It maybe indistinguishable from the micro-story. Most critics argue that it qualifies as poetry because of its conciseness, use of metaphor and special attention to language.
William Shakespeare, The most popular kind of the poetry is the lyric poetry because it shows bewildering variety of forms, as it deeds intricately with the author’s own emotions and views.
 In this poetry consist some elements, one is extrinsic elements, in this literary consist some elements such as aspect sociology and aspect phsycology.

Oleh :
W.S. Rendra

Aku tulis pamplet ini 
karena lembaga pendapat umum 
ditutupi jaring labah-labah 
Orang-orang bicara dalam kasak-kusuk, 
dan ungkapan diri ditekan 
menjadi peng - iya – an

Apa yang terpegang hari ini 
bisa luput besok pagi 
Ketidakpastian merajalela. 
Di luar kekuasaan kehidupan menjadi teka-teki 
menjadi marabahaya 
menjadi isi kebon binatang

Apabila kritik hanya boleh lewat saluran resmi, 
maka hidup akan menjadi sayur tanpa garam 
Lembaga pendapat umum tidak mengandung pertanyaan. 
Tidak mengandung perdebatan 
Dan akhirnya menjadi monopoli kekuasaan

Aku tulis pamplet ini 
karena pamplet bukan tabu bagi penyair 
Aku inginkan merpati pos. 
Aku ingin memainkan bendera-bendera semaphore di tanganku 
Aku ingin membuat isyarat asap kaum Indian.

Aku tidak melihat alasan 
kenapa harus diam tertekan dan termangu. 
Aku ingin secara wajar kita bertukar kabar. 
Duduk berdebat menyatakan setuju dan tidak setuju. 

Kenapa ketakutan menjadi tabir pikiran ? 
Kekhawatiran telah mencemarkan kehidupan. 
Ketegangan telah mengganti pergaulan pikiran yang merdeka. 

Matahari menyinari airmata yang berderai menjadi api. 
Rembulan memberi mimpi pada dendam. 
Gelombang angin menyingkapkan keluh kesah 

yang teronggok bagai  sampah
  Kegamangan. Kecurigaan. 

Aku tulis pamplet ini 
karena kawan dan lawan adalah saudara 
Di dalam alam masih ada cahaya. 
Matahari yang tenggelam diganti rembulan. 
Lalu besok pagi pasti terbit kembali.

Dan di dalam air lumpur kehidupan, 
aku melihat bagai terkaca : 
ternyata kita, toh, manusia ! 

Pejambon Jakarta 27 April 1978 
Potret Pembangunan dalam Puisi 

a.      Sociological aspect
Sociological aspect of literary works is approach which opposite from the orientation to the universe but can also opposite from orientation to the author and the reader. The literary works seen by the relation to the reality, how far the literary works reflect the reality which describe life from social fact.
Related to the sociology literature as Eagleton’s study (1983), said that sociological literature mostly conducted by Marxism which believe that literature is a reflection of society which influenced by historical condition. It is a reflection of cultural environment and a dialetic text among the authors.
Sociological criticism starts with a conviction that art's relations to society are vitally important, and that the investigation of these relationships may organize and deepen one's aesthetic response to a work of art. Taine called literature the consequence of the moment, the race and the milieu. Sociological critics "place the work of art in the social atmosphere and define that relationship."
in this approach, the critic examines literature in the cultural, economic, and political context in which it is written or received.  It examines both the writers background as well as the role the audience has in shaping the literature.  The most influential type of sociological criticism has been Marxists criticism, which focuses on the economic and the political elements of art.  These critics believe that content determines form, and that, therefore, all art is political.  Even if a work of art ignores political issues, it makes a political statement, Marxist critics believe, because it endorses the economic and political status quo.
Rendra's political poetry tended not to open up new political perspectives, but to build on what his audience already knew, or felt, to be the case. His genius lay not in political insights, but in the same love of words, and the play of sound and meaning they evoked, that first led him to write poetry, as he said, 'on blotting paper', when he was bored with high school maths lessons in the early 1950s.
Rendra seems represent to the society who need place to give opinions cause may be the people have same feeling with what the author’s feel but has no right to speak.
Pamphlet  here  as a media to convey the opinion of the people but in fact the people keep silent and  agree with the goverment though may be it’s not good for them. Rendra tried to say through this poetry that the condition was uncertainty. What people hold on today maybe gone tomorrow. Beyond life become random, dangerous, and uncontrolled.
The public media which ideally contains the public opinion, critics, debate become only the monopoly of authorization. But, in this poetry, Rendra said that if critics only allowed in official site, then where is the function of public media? There was no question, debate or critics toward the goverments which indicates there was no transparancy informations. The people just follow and say yes to the goverment says.
Through this poetry, the author use pamphlet which means unknown source and  can spread to everywhere. Rendra wanted the people can read this through the letters. Then semaphore flag and smoke of indians means symbols and signs that he wanted to convey to the people.
Rendra didn’t want just sitting around and  gaze to the condition. Rendra tried to say  why we’re afraid to giving the opinions. The freedom mind was not exist anymore because influenced by the anxiety and the tense of the people. He said that the sadness of the people become the anger, and it appeared to the surface. But, they’re too afraid to say what they want. Why people are afraid ? The enemy and the friend are still brothers. There’s still a light which means there’s hope. It was like a day turns to the night and night will turns to the day. This poetry was a reflection to the portrait of construction in 1978. 

b.      Physicological aspect.
Sigmund Freud explored the human mind more thoroughly than any other who became before him.His contributions to psychology are vast. Freud was one of the most influential people of the twentieth century and his enduring legacy has influenced not only psychology, but art, literature and even the way people bring up their children.
Freud’s lexicon has become embedded within the vocabulary of western society. Words he introduced through his theories are now used by everyday people, such as anal (personality), libido, denial, repression, cathartic, Freudian slip, and neurotic.
Freud was the founding father of psychoanalysis, a method for treatingmental illness and also a theory which explains human behavior.
Psychoanalysis is often known as the talking cure. Typically Freud would encourage his patients to talk freely (on his famous couch) regarding their symptoms and to describe exactly what was on their mind.
According to Freud, we are born with our Id.  The id is an important part of our personality because as newborns, it allows us to get our basic needs met.  Freud believed that the id is based on our pleasure principle.  In other words, the id wants whatever feels good at the time, with no consideration for the reality of the situation.
The id from this poetry is the author want to convey the general ellection has lost its meaning, there was no place to give people’s opinion. One time Rendra insulted poet that still work on love , he said, “I think what the benefit of making rhyme about the wine and the moon , while poverty and injustice happened around.”  (Editor, 7 November 1990). “Aku tulis pamplet ini  karena pamplet bukan tabu bagi penyair “, here the id was not afraid to write the pamphlet to spread to the people. The id here, the author only think about how to make people realize about the condition of the country, without consideration that he would go to jail caused by this critics through this poetry.

The ego from this poetry is the author realize that rhyme can’t change the condition because Rhyme is not organization such as political party or public organization and youth. Rhyme only change awareness . only help and give  direction to the people  that awake society. That’s the function of resuscitation towards the society, both the victim or public  , that become a mission of Rendra’s poet.

The super ego from this poetry is “Aku ingin memainkan bendera-bendera semaphore di tanganku Aku ingin membuat isyarat asap kaum Indian” which means he little bit afraid to convey what exactly he wants. That’s why he used signs. And symbols. Rendra also works on love poetry in the beginning of his career. For example, Surat seorang Perantau (1959).  It means that he also make rhyme about the wine and the moon.

3.      Conclusion
From this poetry “aku tulis pamflet ini” by W.S. Rendra based on our opinion we can conclude that in sosiological approach is the Author wants the goverment give place or media to the people to give their opinions . Pamphlet  here  as a media to convey the opinion of the people but in fact the people keep silent and  force the people to agree with the goverment , Rendra tried to say through this poetry that the condition was uncertainty.
In physicological approach , The id from this poetry is the author want to convey the general ellection has lost its meaning, there was no place to give people’s opinion. The ego from this poetry is the author releaze that rhyme can’t change the condition because Rhyme is not organization such as political party or public organization and youth. Rhyme only change awareness . only help and give  direction to the people  that awake society. That’s the function of resuscitation towards the society, both the victim or public  , that become a mission of Rendra’s poet.
 The super-ego from this poetry is “Aku ingin memainkan bendera-bendera semaphore di tanganku Aku ingin membuat isyarat asap kaum Indian” which means he little bit afraid to convey what exactly he wants. That’s why he used signs. And symbols. Rendra also works on love poetry in the beginning of his career.  For example, Surat seorang Perantau (1959).

Individualism and collectivism

Individualism : Collectivism ; interdependence
by Sri Wahyuningsih
v  Introduction
This paper submitted to fulfil the final test of  Cross Cultural Understanding. It’s about individualism in western and collectivism or interdependence in eastern especially indonesia. 
Cultures are typically divided into two categories: collectivist and individualist. Individualist cultures, such as those of the United States and Western Europe, emphasize personal achievement regardless of the expense of group goals, resulting in a strong sense of competition. Collectivist cultures, such as those of ChinaKorea, and Japan, indonesia  emphasize family and work group goals above individual needs or desires.

v  The meaning of the statement
Individualism, as the name indeed suggests, describes the human characteristic of on a deep level thinking in a way where the individual self is prioritized rather than a social institution such as a family, workplace or society when compared to an individual who is more collectivistic..
Collectivism, in contrast to individualism, describes the human characteristic of on a deep level thinking in a way where the social institution or group, such as a family, workplace or even entire society, is prioritized higher than the individual self when compared to an individual who is more individualistic.

v  Comparison between western and indonesian culture
Western live in individualism way. They concern more to themselves. In individualist cultures, individual uniqueness and self-determination is valued. A person is all the more admirable if they are a "self-made man" or "makes up their own mind" or show initiative or work well independently. They are quiet and realistic, very rational, extremely matter of fact people. They strongly cultivate their individualism and enjoy applying their abilities to new tasks. But they are also very spontaneous and impulsive persons who like to follow their sudden inspirations. Individualism promotes individual goals, initiative and achievement.Individual rights are seen as being the most important. Rules attempt to ensure self-importance . Independence is valued; there is much less of a drive to help other citizens or communities than in collectivism. Relying or being dependent on others is frequently seen as shameful. People are encouraged to do things on their own; to rely on themselves. They will directly say no to the something they disagree or when they reject something. Also, the religion and family is not the most important thing for them. We can see that most people who has reached 17 years old want to separated from the family and there are lots of people who has no religion or atheist.

      Meanwhile, Indonesian culture is more about group thinking or what we called as collectivism. People in indonesia concentrate on family, religion, society. Here, people can’t do anything they want if it’s not good for the group or family. Indonesia is the biggest moslem country in the world which make it’s influenced by religion especially islam. Expressions or phrases are used which describe a disagreement or negative statement instead of saying no. So, people like to keep other’s feeling by saying phrases than just directly say no. Each person is encouraged to be an active player in society, to do what is best for society as a whole rather than themselves.. Rules promote unity, brotherhood, and selflessness. They like to work with others and cooperate is the norm; everyone supports each other. As a community, family or nation more than as an individual

v  Discussion / explanation
What I think about individualism in western. First things are not balck or white. Western are individualistic in some ways, they are always told to achieve happiness for example, for ourselves, "this will make you happy" People hear, instead of "if your people are happy, you will be happy" but again  traditional figures like family or belonging to a group are still very important in western countries.
Individualism  have good sides, like enhence competition which make people more creative and more hardworking.it has been enormous success in encouraging people to realize their potential and their inner depths.  People are also more free to do what they really love or to think freely. To be individuals makes people more independent, strong and not depend on someone’s else. Western can do anything on their own way without anyone. The bad sides are alienation, divisiveness and the split of the family loose of some values abandonment of the elderies who become burden in their society. Then, of course the consequence become individuals is people need to deal with the loneliness.
Individualism actually derived from the christian idea that God could live in individuals, and that each life was therefore precious. Individualsm is not at all selfish. It’s moral and social processes which nothing less than humanity’s quest for personal freedom and responsible expression.
On contrary, I think collectivism have good sides, like working with others and cooperating is the norm which make the harmony in society, everyone supports each other, people really care about you, you will always close to your family , strong brotherhood, and selflessness.. For example, when you failed on achieve something, your family and your friend will accompany you and make like nothing happend to you. The bad sides are people in collectivist cultures can have a strong fear of rejection, they mostly depend each others which make they work slowly, they can’t do anything as they want if it’s not good for the name of family. Then, because people really care about other’s business sometimes they can’t really have privacy. Also, people will think that you’re weird if you do something all by yourself, even when you walk alone on the street, they will stare and talk behind you. Sometimes, people can’t see or develop their potential because they afraid of rejection from the elders.
The stereotype of a 'good person' in collectivist cultures is trustworthy, honest, generous, and sensitive, all characteristics that are helpful to people working in groups. In contrast, a 'good person' in individualist cultures is more assertive and strong, characteristics helpful for competing.

v  Conclution
The conclution is that everthing has the positive sides and the negatives sides. Individualism in western make the people independent, do and think freely, concern more to themselves but they have to deal with lonelines. Then, collectivism in eastern make the people have strong brotherhood, selflessness, close to the family but people can’t do and think whatever they want, they hard to see their own potential, have a big fear of rejection, they have to think more about the family and society than their own self.