Hi there, I am free spirit, daydreamer and definitely night thinker!

Senin, 28 April 2014

Anak-anak kebanggaan

Saya engga tahu kenapa saya berani menyempatkan waktu untuk menulis ini padahal tugas masih terbengkalai. Mungkin karena saya tidak sabar untuk menunjukan pada dunia tentang anak-anak yang saya sayangi dan saya banggakan. (Udah kaya penggalan pidato guru saja) 

Saya adalah tipe orang yang sangat percaya bahwa siapapun bisa jadi pelajaran buat saya termasuk anak-anak yang luar biasa ini. :D
Dunia anak adalah dunia favorit saya. Pernah suatu kali teman-teman saya pun menuliskan bahwa saya pantas menjadi seorang guru TK. :D
Awalnya saya tertarik untuk menjadi volunteer di taman baca di sebuah desa. Dari situlah saya mulai merasakan candu yang teramat dengan mereka. 
Saya berhenti karena jadwal yang tidak mendukung dan jarak yang jauh dari tempat tinggal saya. Namun kegemaran saya tidak berhenti begitu saja. Saya kembali menjadi volunteer tapi di tempat project IIWC untuk tempat prostitusi. Wah beda sekali suasana disana dengan taman baca. Di taman baca biasa ngajar ngaji nah di IIWC saya main permainan edukasi. Semuanya membuat saya belajar. 
Ini dibawah itu fatir dan anak lucu menggemaskan yang saya lupa namanya. hehehe

Time speed up. Now, saya sudah punya 5 murid yang saya ajar privat. Bedanya di taman baca sama privat itu kalau privat kita jadi lebih mengenal karakteristik mereka. Rasanya kaya ngemong adek sendiri. hihihi

Those boys are Ricky and Ricko. Si kembar yang bikin mati gaya kalau saya ngajar mereka. Seringkali apa yang saya ucapkan tidak mereka dengarkan bahkan selalu berantem karena alasan pinjem pensil atau saling tuduh mencontek. :D
Ricky is smart and Ricko is polite. Biarpun kembar mereka beda sifat sekali. Mereka manja dan saya suka. Mungkin karena saya anak bungsu yang selalu ingin punya adek jadi mereka saya anggap adek sendiri.

Next, Time for the girls. 
Desi dan Rani si anak dokter. Mereka luar biasa dalam belajar. Saya aja capek liat mereka belajar dari bimbel sana sini untuk persiapan UN mereka. Yang satu kelas 6 SD yang satu kelas 3 SMP. Mereka juga les musik. Takjub sama orang tua mereka yaitu Ibu farida yang mengutamakan pendidikan anaknya sekali. 
Saya doakan kalian sukses! 

Ada lagi si secret Nabila. Saya belum sempat berfoto dengannya atau mengambil fotonya karena memang belum terlalu dekat. Dia sangat introvert tapi kuat. Kenapa saya mengatakan kuat karena saya takjub pada anak ini yang ditinggal ibunya pergi ke luar negeri. Rasanya susah sekali mendekati dia sampai-sampai dia pernah cerita kalau dari TK sampai sekarang dia selalu duduk sendirian karena tidak ada teman yang mau duduk dengannya. Waktu itu saya pernah berpikir untuk ke sekolahnya supaya memberitahu gurunya tentang sifat nabila yang akan berpengaruh karena masalah tersebut. Tapi lagi-lagi saya terkendala oleh waktu dan jadwal yang tidak menentu. Semoga Allah selalu melindunginya dan tetap menjadi anak manis yang membanggakan orang tua. :)

Saya juga pernah disuruh mengajar anak yang membuat saya sering beristighfar karena ulahnya. Dia membuat saya belajar sekali bagaimana membuat materi yang disampaikan itu menarik. Di awal jam belajar dia selalu menceritakan pacar khayalannya dan betul saja saya coba dengarkan dan selalu bilang kalau dia tidak mau belajar si cowo tidak akan mau sama dia. hahahah

But, Truly They are my inspiration. 

Minggu, 27 April 2014

Motivasi untuk Masalah

Pembaca yang dirahmati Allah,
Dalam kesempatan ini saya ingin menggaris besarkan apa sebenarnya hikmah dibalik masalah. Setiap manusia entah kaya maupun miskin, pintar maupun kurang pintar, cantik maupun kurang cantik, normal maupun memiliki kelebihan bukan di fisik pasti selalu punya masalah.  
Masalahnya bagaimana diri kita menghadapi masalah tersebut. Seringkali saya lihat dalam postingan status teman-teman facebook saya mengeluh dengan masalahnya yang menurut saya jauh lebih banyak orang-orang yang mempunyai masalah lebih besar dari mereka. Anehnya, justru orang-orang dengan masalah besar jarang sekali mengungkapkan masalahnya bahkan mungkin tidak pernah.
Masalah adalah sesuatu yang seiring dengan kehidupan seseorang. Yakni semakin besar orang tersebut semakin pula besar masalah yang ia harus hadapi.

Namun Hakekat hidup adalah bukan menunggu badai berhenti tetapi bagaimana kita bisa menari dalam derasnya hujan.

Masalah yang saya hadapi mungkin tidak sebesar masalah para pembaca, tetapi dengan cara inilah saya ingin berbagi bagaimana makna sebenarnya yang Tuhan siratkan dalam setiap masalah kita. (Kalau kita mau menelusurinya)

Jangan katakan pada Tuhan bahwa kita punya masalah besar, tetapi katakan pada masalah bahwa kita punya Tuhan yang Maha besar.

Dalam menghadapi masalah kita juga perlu membesarkan hati untuk tidak menyalahkan orang lain karena bagaimanapun juga semua kesalahan selalu datang dari diri sendiri. Tindakan menyalahkan orang lain hanya akan menempatkan kita pada posisi tidak mau mengakui kesalahan dan melimpahkan pada orang yang tak bersalah.
Jika seseorang menyalahkan kamu atas kesalahan yang sebenarnya ia buat maka kamu punya senjata ini untuk tetap menguatkan diri.

Memaafkan orang yang telah menyakitimu adalah hadiah yang kamu berikan kepada mereka,
Melupakan kesalahan orang yang telah menyakitimu adalah hadiah yang kamu berikan pada diri sendiri.

Masalah ada karena 2 faktor :
Pertama, kita bertindak tanpa berpikir
Kedua, kita terus berpikir tanpa bertindak

Tetapi yang saya suka dari masalah ini adalah ia bagaikan mesin cuci dan kita adalah bajunya. Kenapa ?
Mesin cuci membuat kita berputar, twist, sampai pontang-panting  di dalamnya, tetapi pada akhirnya kita akan keluar dengan lebih bersih, berwarna, dan lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

Lalu ingat bahwa ketika kita mendapatkan masalah, jangan pernah menceritakan pada orang yang sama sekali tidak mengenalmu dengan baik.
Sebab 80% orang tidak peduli kamu punya masalah, dan 20% lainnya senang kamu mendapatkannya.
Percayalah :

Gembok diciptakan dengan kunci untuk membukannya, seperti halnya Tuhan memberikanmu masalah dengan kemudahan untuk menyelesaikannya.

Because life is a journey with problems to solve,
Lessons to learn, but most of all
Experiences to enjoy
 (Terinspirasi dari surat Al-insyirah )
Semoga Bermanfaat, J

Sabtu, 26 April 2014

Zayn's quotes

One Direction is the biggest band on the planet today. They have really good quotes that inspire me truly. Now, I will show you how zain's words work. I love him truly madly deeply. :D

Hope those quotes will inspire you to get better life. Salam Damai dari negeri Serritale. :)
  • Zayn Malik

Kamis, 24 April 2014

Kingdom of Heaven review

Sri Wahyuningsih

A.  You may search on certain sources to answer these question

1.      Give definition on these term ; 
a.      Character
A character (or fictional character) is a person in a narrative work of arts (such as a novel, play, television series or film) or the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing.
b.      Characterization
Characterization or characterisation is the concept of creating characters for a narrative. It is a literary element and may be employed in dramatic works of art or everydayconversation.
c.       Protagonist
Protagonist is the leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work or the central figure with whom we usually sympathize or identify.
d.      Antagonist
a person who is opposed to , struggles against, or competes with another; opponent; adversary or the figure who opposes the protagonist and creates the conflict
e.       Mainstay character
someone that provides support and makes it possible for something to exist or succeed
f.       Background character
Charaters who do not serve as major protagonists or antagonists of the series.
2.      Give definition on these term;
a.      Plot
 The plot of a story is a series of interconnected events in which every occurrence has a specific purpose. A plot is all about establishing connections, suggesting causes, and showing relationships or a series of events that form the story in a novel, movie, etc.
b.      Kinds of plot
·    Dramatic or Progressive Plot: This is a chronological structure which first establishes the setting and conflict, then follows the rising action through to a climax (the peak of the action and turning point), and concludes with a denouement (a wrapping up of loose ends).
·    An Episodic Plot: This is also a chronological structure, but it consists of a series of loosely related incidents, usually of chapter length, tied together by a common theme and/or characters. Episodic plots work best when the writer wishes to explore the personalities of the characters, the nature of their existence, and the flavor of an era.
·    Parallel Plot: The writer weaves two or more dramatic plots that are usually linked by a common character and a similar theme.
·    Flashback: This structure conveys information about events that occurred earlier. It permits authors to begin the story in the midst of the action but later fill in the background for full understanding of the present events. Flashbacks can occur more than once and in different parts of a story.
3.      Give definition on these term;
a.      Setting
1)  The setting refers to the time, the geographical locations, and the general environment and circumstances that prevail in a narrative. The setting helps to establish the mood of a story.
 2)  Two types of setting:
·    Integral Setting: the setting is fully described in both time and place, usually found in historical fiction.
·    Backdrop Setting: the setting is vague and general, which helps to convey a universal, timeless tale. This type of setting is often found in folktales and simply sets the stage and the mood.

b.      Physical  Setting
Physical setting is the actual place where the action or an event is taking place. It will normally affect an individual's work positively or negatively or might not affect the individual as a result of being aware of the surrounding environment or A physical setting in literature includes all physical characteristics or features, including geographical place such as a neighborhood, a street, a house, a room, colors on the wall, or furniture. 

c.       Social setting
The social environment of the characters (i.e. the manners, customs, and moral values of the characters' society) or Social setting is that vivid world described or created in a work of literature -- the place where characters live and dream. They follow, question, protest or break the rules of that world.

B.  Based on the theoretical source; do analyze the Scott Ridley’s Kingdom of Heaven
a.       Character and characterization
Balian de ibelin           : He is blacksmith from french. He is brave and do anything to ask forgiveness for his sins, has smart tactic in war eventhough less number of people, want peace between moslem and christians.
Godfrey de ibelin       :  He protects the helpless, safeguard the peace, and work toward harmony between religions and cultures, he want  a kingdom of heaven can flourish on earth.
Hospitaler                   : He is loyal to the king and Godfrey and kind of  type of spiritual conscience to Balian with lines like, "Courage is in right action...and goodness"    The Hospitaler states that religion is bad (due to fanatics using it), but that holiness is good (some viewers might not like that statement).
Tibereas                      : Tiberias is an advisor to the crippled King Baldwin, and commander of the army of Jerusalem. A Man of conscience, Tiberias preaches co-existence with the Saracens. He said : “First, I thought we were fighting for God
then, I realized.We were fighting for wealth and land,
I was ashamed!"
                                        By Raymond III of Tripoli (Tiberias)
King Baldwin IV       : He is moderate king who rules with honour and justice. He wants jerusalem peace of moslem known as Saracens and the Christians who occupy Jerusalem. 
Guy de lusignan         :He is arogant, fanaticism, greed, and jealousy. He doesn’t like jerusalem occupy by people except christian. He wants to undermine the King's relationship with the Muslims and drive the latter group from the land.
Reynald de chatillon  : the commander of the Knights Templar. While others sue for peace, his belligerent faction within the Crusader army provokes Saladin into war.
Saladin                        : He is religious, but does not allow religion to make him a fool. In one instance he lectures one of his angry generals, asking him, “How many battles did God win for the Muslims before I came?”.  His Saladin is provoked into reclaiming Jerusalem and the Holy Land for the Moslems..
Mummad Al Fais (imad) : He is the man who Balian let him to live when Balian kills his servant to get the horse.  He tells Balian that his acts will be known to his enemies even before he meets them. 
b.      Protagonist and antagonist
Protagonist                         : Balian de ibelin is the leading character, hero, or heroine of this film or the central figure with whom we usually sympathize or identify. He wants to ask forgiveness for his sins and dedicate his life for king to make kingdom of heaven with peace between the diversity that his father ask him to do.
Antagonist                              : Guy de lusignan is a person who is opposed to , struggles against, or competes with another; opponent; adversary or the figure who opposes Balian and creates the conflict by ask  Reynald to make war with moslem saracen cause he believe that God wills it.
c.       Mainstay character
The mainstay of this story are
Godfrey and Hospitaler                : They help Balian to find the path in gaining forgiveness of his sins by join to the crusade and show the concept of kingdom of heaven is to help people ,safeguard the peace, and work toward harmony between religions and cultures, he want  a kingdom of heaven can flourish on earth.
Tiberias and King Baldwin           : They are wise cause they want a peace between moslem and christiant in Jerusalem and give support to Balian to help weak peoples and safeguard the peace.

d.      Background character on certain situation
 A priest that killed by Balian and a priest who wants to flee the walled city, stating that it's unfortunate for those who would be left behind, adding that it's God's will. Later, and realizing they're about to lose, says, "Convert to Islam, repent later."
Christiant’s army

e.       Describe the plot movie
This films used Dramatic or Progressive Plot which is  a chronological structure which first establishes the setting and conflict between of moslem known as Saracens who led by saladin  and the Christians who occupy Jerusalem who led by king baldwin iv , then follows the rising action through to a climax (the peak of the action and turning point). It happend when Guy de lusignan  became king and asked  Reynald de chatillon to  attacked  moslem seracen that made saladin and his great army come to the kerak  , and concludes with a denouement (a wrapping up of loose ends) when Balian and saladin make terms to ended the war.
f.       Describe the physical setting on movie
Time : 12th Century (in 1184)
At the Balian’s house or place of blacksmith in france when godfrey and his man come and ask Balian to join with them to the Holy land.
In the forest near river, Pilgrim camp (road to messina), Messina( port to holy land) In the ship, In the office of marshall jerusalem, Reynald’s castle, The castle from saladin’s cavalry and council.
In the desert while contesting the rights of ownership to a horse, Balian states to a Muslim cavalier "I do not wish to fight you" (Kingdom). However, the cavalier initiates the aggression and Balian is forced to fight then kill the cavalier but shows mercy to his unarmed servant and allows him to live.
At the Kerak when The King slaps Reynald and then repeatedly strikes him with a small rod (slightly bloodying his face). He then makes Reynald kiss his disfigured and bloody hand (and possibly infect him with his leprosy).
At the jail when Reynald tells Guy to kill Balian, and once the King is dead, three men are sent to carry out the order.
In the Jerusalem when seracen with saladin attack the kingdom. The battle over the Middle East over the millennia.
g.      Describe the social setting on movie

Social setting of this story is conflict between moslem known as Saracens and the Christians who occupy Jerusalem."Kingdom of Heaven" is a sly social commentary on the conflicts between religious groups that have spanned centuries. Then Guy de lusignan with crusade army want war with moslem because they said jerusalem is belong to christiant so they said that God wills the war. But actualy what they want is not about to do their duty to their religion but they want wealth , power and more land. 

Senin, 21 April 2014

Contoh Cause- Effect Text

Broken home is the designation for a family who is not harmony, warmth, and no visible affection between family members with each other (families are destroyed). lot of the effects that will occur because of this broken home. And the victims are the children themselves, children do not get enough attention from both parents, do not know what the love of a mother and father. This is definitely going to be a big problem in the future, especially on the psychological and emotional development of children. And here, some real impact induced Mom and Dad are not responsible
The first is development of the Child Emotion,emotion is a psychological situation is a subjective experience that can be seen from the reaction of the face and body. Broken home made ​​terpramen children affected, the effect of which seem to be clearly in the child's emotional development was made ​​into a moody, slacker (be aggressive) who want to seek attention of parents / others. Find identity in an atmosphere of households overlap and less serasi.Broken home is something to be avoided, so that the children do not become emotionally disturbed.
The second is the child will tend to do negative things out of habit.Broken home children have a tendency to commit deviant behaviors such as bullying, rebellious, apathetic attitude towards the environment, being destructive to themselves and their environment, for example by starting smoking, drinking, gambling, and free sex. They do such deviations without ever knowing what is good and bad. Just like a child crying and took her mother's arms, but he did not get it, therefore the child of a broken home would be grateful to anyone who wants to hug him, and sometimes it is a manifestation of the mother 'drugs' and 'free sex'.
The last  is academic problems.Largest external motivation factor for children is a family. And when families experience a dysfunctional broken home then the child will tend to be lazy and unmotivated rendah.hasil berprestas the research conducted by Aji Baroto stated that students' motivation from a broken home is lower than the motivation to study of intact families.

Child is a valuable asset, the future generation has the right to grow and develop properly and all of it depends on the family. It is appropriate parents realize that they have a need that is not limited to material needs, but also the need for love and attention of their parents. Although there are some broken home who  survive and not to deviate, but parents should be able to consider the interests and rights of children when going to do something. So, we have to care our family so that there is no feel broken home.