Senin, 21 April 2014

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A library is the place which collects many kind of books. (definition)
Commonly, you can find  libraries in the schools, offices and the public place in the middle of city. Its function to provide books so that we can learn about many things. We can also entertain ourselves, teach ourselves, and be inspired by the ideas from the books. (location and function)
A library has many section such as a reading room, a catalogue section, a newspaper and magazine section, books section, kids section, and  a librarian desk. The books arranged in the bookshelf and classified based on the subject. There are many subjects in the library such as fiction,  science, law and politics, religion, language,economic, education and  psychology. The section fiction is the most favourite section cause many people like to read novel and short stories.  (section and kind of books)
Some library has many  facilities. They are  free to access the  internet, meeting rooms, and other community services. Then, if you want to borrow the books you have to make Id card or library card. You will get fine for lateness in borrowing books. (facilities and services)

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